Turn Key Solutions for A Food Processing Company IOT Controller for fork lifts (to auto capture data using RFID).


Fast-to-market integrated solutions for hardware, software, and Automation.

About IOT

  • Turn Key Solutions for A Food Processing Company. IOT Controller for fork lifts (to auto capture data using RFID)


Problem Definition:

Customer used workforce and a web-based app to capture inbound and outbound transactions for his Warehouse Management System. Because of manual errors, the customer has low operational efficiency, Wrong Product Deliveries, untraceable inventory leading to product expiry at his Warehouse facility.

Solution offered:

  • Designed and Developed Complete End to End Automated Cloud(AWS) based Ware house solution using RFID, BLE and Wi-Fi Technologies which can sustain harsh environments like cold store at -30degC and Forklifts.
  • Designed and Developed an Battery Powered IOT controller (hardware and software) which will interact with RF antennas and collect the data and send it web server using WiFi.
  • Integrated the solution of Their ERP software.

How did we make it better?


  • 99% Improved inventory visibility and accuracy enabling customer for greater planning and control. Optimized resources in terms of manpower, equipment and warehouse space utilization and improved order fulfillment accuracy and speed ( Example: 4.5 hours container loading time is reduced to 2 hours)


Where we are involved further:

Scaling the same solution using Vision Cameras and BLE, Vision based Scrimp Counting and Asset Tracking Solution using RFID.

India: +91 80198 47222

USA: +1-770-955-9599